Your Online Consultation


The Introduction

To help you get the best out of your upcoming permanent makeup procedure(s), I have prepared an overview and a list of frequently asked questions & answers. It should answer many of the questions you may have, and even possibly a few that you haven’t thought of yet. This is designed to help you understand what’s involved, and how best to prepare.  You’ll learn that Permanent Makeup is really not as uncomfortable as rumored, does fade, requires maintenance if desired, and will require your care after your procedure and etc.  If you do not properly care for your fresh implanted tattoo, you risk losing the pigment. This introduction is more than that.  It’s a Preparation, so you be the best informed and know what you can expect from any procedure involving your Permanent Make-up procedure.

Directions on how to use this system:  To all New and Returning clients, is a much more simplified system to schedule/reschedule yourself on this website.  New clients are defined as never having Permanent Makeup or having existing PMU, but are new to Carolyn).  Returning clients are those clients of mine who have been to me in the past. You will find that when scheduling an appointment, Smartphones and Tablets don’t work. I highly recommend using your Laptop or Desktop to reduce frustration. Don’t hesitate to reach out by text if you have any questions.

New Clients;  Steps to Scheduling.   Step 1.  Read/Review “Your Online Consultation.”  Step 2.  Fill out and Submit “Pre-Client Questionnaire/Appointment Policy Step 3. Submit Photograph  (needs to be a closeup, clear, and in good lighting).  STOP HERE.  Do not proceed to the next steps until you hear from me.  Step 4. Choose your appointment.  You will be asked to place a deposit to secure your appointment.  Your information is secure.  Step 5.  Print/Be Familiar with Care Instructions.
Returning Clients:  Steps to Scheduling.   Step 1.  Read/Review “Your Online Consultation.”    Step 2.  Fill out and Submit “Pre-Client Questionnaire/Appointment Policy.   Step 3. Photo is not required, so skip this step.    Step 4. Choose your appointment.  You will be asked to place a deposit to secure your appointment.  Your information is secure.  Step 5.  Print/Be Familiar with Care Instructions.

Method of Payment:  CASH is preferred (5% Off).  VENMO. Credit Cards (3% fee is charged).  Local Checks Only (checks are not treated as cash). 


Ask us a Question

Please…keep going.  Below, is a WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE about Permanent Makeup just waiting for you to CLICK OPEN.  Enjoy!


Where do I start?

Right here!  You’re at Step One, “Your Online Consultation.”  This page is one of the most important pages.  It will inform you about Permanent Makeup, help you decide if Permanent Makeup is for you, how to best prepare yourself prior to your procedure and how to take care of it afterward.  You’ll also learn what factors are involved in causing Permanent Makeup to fade and when should you return for a “touch-up” at the appropriate time.  It is important that you arrive at your appointment prepared as well.   Whether or not this is your first time, or you’ve had it done before somewhere else, we still want you to read through this page thoroughly.  You may learn some things that you didn’t know before.  We look forward to meeting you and truly hope you’ll enjoy reading the information you learn in this website.

Understanding Permanent Makeup

Is it semi-permanent?

Some are promoting microblading or eyebrow embroidery as a semi-permanent process; and that the color only reaches the epidermal (outer) layer of the skin. A careful review of basic skin anatomy and physiology would reveal this is not true. By definition and tattoo industry standards, color is tattooed/implanted into the dermis of the skin. If pigment particles do not reach the dermis, they will disappear during the healing phase of the skin, during normal regeneration of cells at the epidermal level. Pigments do fade in the skin over time, but that does not make the process semi-permanent. It is impossible to predict how much pigment will fade away and how long it will take to do so with any measure of consistency or reliability.

What is Permanent Makeup?

Permanent Makeup, also referred to as Permanent Cosmetics or Cosmetic Tattooing and is a form of (mainly) facial tattooing in that a pigment is being implanted into the dermal layer of the skin, not the epidermis.  In traditional tattoos, Indian Ink (straight carbon black) is the primary colorant used, in addition to colored pigments.

During a permanent cosmetic makeup procedure, a pigment is used – not Indian ink. Pigment, unlike ink, will break down to a point, absorb into the body and therefore fade over time.  It does not completely fade away, returning to the skin’s natural condition prior.  This means Permanent Makeup requires a “touch up” and the color will need to be “freshened up” sometime later.  Why isn’t ink used for permanent cosmetics? Simple, 1) your only choice of color is blackish-blue, 2) it’s truly permanent and 3) over time, it spreads in the skin and loses it’s desired look and 4) it’s truly not attractive.  Permanent Makeup is considered “Permanent,” not semi-permanent because the skin does not return to its original condition after time.  There will always be some trace of the pigment found in the dermis.

How long the pigment lasts will vary from client to client.  There are many factors involved that are out of the technician’s control.  Clients need to be aware of these factors.  They include, 1) sun exposure, 2) medications, 3) the fairness of your skin (darker skin has more Melanin which acts as a built-in sunblock, fair skin clients will fade quicker – it’s a fact), 4) Macrophage Cells (responsible for breaking down particles in the skin), 5) skin treatments (chemical peels, laser treatments, exfoliants, etc), 6) daily exercising, 7) oily skin, 8) some medical conditions (low thyroid, etc.).  So, not to panic, you can still enjoy permanent makeup. This is just to educate you.

Typically, I see my Eyebrow clients every two years to “freshen-up” their pigment.   Eyes and Lips, I see these clients between two and four years for their touch-ups.  There is no need to come in yearly, unless you’re one of my fair skin clients who fade quickly.  My clients on “Thyroid” medication or conditions I see more frequently, as well.  For those with darker skin, I’ve seen these clients retain their eyeliner pigments up to eight and ten years.  Everyone may receive different results based on those factors above.

How long do these procedures take to heal?

How long these procedures take to heal varies depending on the procedure.  Many of my clients come in on their Fridays and return to work on their Monday without any difficulties.  Newly applied Permanent Makeup will be darker and more sharply defined than the healed result.  Because the pigment is sitting in the epidermis and the dermis.  Once the epidermis layer sluffs off, it will appear approximately 40% lighter and softer.  One of the things I say to my clients when they first look in the mirror is, “If you love the color today, it will be too light when healed.”  A sigh of relief comes over their face.  So, if you think it’s too dark that day, it will be much lighter when healed.

Until the exfoliation process has taken place (anywhere from 3 days to 12 days – and dependent on which procedure), the oxidized pigment sitting on the epidermis (top) will be darker than desired.  Once it has finished exfoliating and the skin is healed, you won’t have your true healed color until approximately four weeks.  This is more obvious in the Hair-stroke Eyebrows and Lip procedures where after exfoliation, it appears to be a great loss of color.  Be patient, as the skin continues to heal over a four-week period, the color will brighten and reappear.  The other procedures go through a similar process but are not as obvious.  So when a client calls me after two weeks, saying, “I’ve lost some of my pigment!”  I remind them that it’s too soon to tell – give it four weeks of healing. 

To be more specific: Eyes, Ombre’ Eyebrows, Powdered Eyebrows, (start exfoliating on Day 3-4), and Lips (start exfoliating on Day 2) are the quicker exfoliating procedures, compared to the Hair-stroke Eyebrows (start exfoliating on Day 10-12) – with true color and evenness not being there until fully healed.

In regards to puffiness or swelling, everyone is different, but speaking in regards to an average, the majority of my Eyelash Enhancement clients may be puffy the following morning, as if they had a good cry.  This could last for a day and in the worst-case scenario, 3 days. On the other hand, when tattooing a Dramatic Eyeliner or Eyeshadow where I am going into that thinner layer of skin above the lash line, we could expect more puffiness the day after.  (I like the use of gel ice packs used briefly every 1-2 hours for 1-2 minutes on the first day to reduce swell). Let it heal for four weeks before making an evaluation.  The Hair-stroke Eyebrows may redden and swell slightly.   The Lips are the same, with puffiness for a few days.  Exfoliation in the lip can happen within the first two to three days.  The lip tissue may even go through another cycle or two of exfoliation before the end of one month and also go through varying degrees of color changes until it settles to its true color at approximately a month.  Any puffiness of the lips beyond 3 days is not normal – please call me or text me a photo.  Rarely, but it does occur that a client may be allergic to the aftercare.  If you feel that something isn’t right, I want to hear from you.  If you’re calling at two weeks to tell me that you’ve lost your color, I’m going to say, “Call me back in two weeks if this is still an issue.”

Please Note:    Regardless of the healing process, having expectations that you’ll achieve your results after your first visit is an unrealistic expectation. Permanent Makeup is a multi-procedure process, just like any other tattoo. Typically, Eyebrows and Eyes will take approximately two sessions, whereas Lips can take two to three sessions. 

Also, 50% of your overall success is based on what you do after you walk out of the studio. Following these aftercare instructions is important to achieve this success.

For the “Before and Aftercare Instructions”, you will refer to Step 5 for more details.

Can I schedule more than one procedure at a time?

It is very common to schedule Eyebrows and Eyes together, but if someone is interested in having all Eyebrows, Eyes, and Lips completed, I may suggest planning the Lips appointment on another day, especially if that client has a history of cold sores.   Doing all three procedures takes hours to complete which I’m happy to do, especially for my clients who travel very far distances. Where I may discourage a client from tattooing both Eyes and Lips at the same time is if that client has a history of cold sores.  If that client has a sore outbreak, touches her lips, then rubs her eyes, she has just spread that virus into her eye.  Let’s not do that.

We are all a work in progress, and I strive to grow continually.  As of March 2018, we finally and officially available for you to schedule/reschedule yourself on our online calendar.  What does this mean to you?  What this means, for new and returning clients, after completion of reading this section, you may now continue to the calendar section of this website after securing your deposit.  You may now go ahead and choose your appointment.  It will be pending until I review your paperwork, photos, and evaluate that everything checks out.

Choosing the Right Procedure For You

As a Professional Cosmetic Tattooist, you, the client will present me with a number of variations.  I will need to know what Classification, Category, and Type when you fill out your Pre-client Questionnaire.  you will have options to choose from for your Eyebrows and your Eyes.  What you won’t see from my office is the same style being tattoos on everybody who walks out here.  Everyone’s makeup will be specific to their desires and needs.

When filling out your Pre-client Questionnaire, many clients just type in Eyebrows or Eyes.  This leaves me guessing.  To take the guesswork out it, I need you to be more specific with your request as each requires a different time frame.  For example, if you just write down Eyebrows, I will not know if you are looking for Hair-stroke Brows, Soft Powdered Brows, Ombre or….  Please read on.

CLASSIFICATION OF PROCEDURES – There are 5 Classifications.  Which best describes “YOU?”

  • 1.  New – Never, have had any prior permanent makeup.
  • 2.  Follow-up – Within 4 to 6 months of receiving a New or “Start-over” procedure scheduling your refresher/reinforcement appointment – Only for clients who have received New or “Start-Over” procedures and paid the FULL Price.
  • 3.  Touch-up <4 years (Returning Client).  This is one session and is for my returning clients who have had permanent makeup less than 4 years ago.    
  • 4.  Touch-up >4 years (Returning Client) – This is one session and is for my returning clients who have had permanent makeup 4 or more years ago and have not been to another technician since our last visit. Clients need to be evaluated to determine if a New Procedure needs to be completed, Color Correction, or…
  • 5.  Touch-up <4 years (New Client with prior Permanent Makeup) – This is one session and is only for new clients who have had permanent makeup within the last 4 years and are in need of a touch-up by another technician. *This client has not been seen by more than one other technician. No exceptions.
    *Carolyn does not have time to see clients who have been to multiple technicians. She would rather spend the time in tattooing versus removing layers of different pigments implanted by multiple technicians. Thank you for understanding.

6.  Touch-up >4 years (New Client with prior Permanent Makeup) – This is one session and is only for new clients who have had prior permanent makeup 4 or more years ago by only *one other technician and is in need of a touch-up. The client in this category will need to be seen or talked to in order to be properly evaluated so that the level of work and time needed for this client may be determined. Please call the office regarding this.


  • Eyebrows
  • Eyes
  • Lips
  • Color Correction
  • Shape Modification
  • Areola Repigmentation
  • Pigment Lightening/Removal

Still not sure which Eyebrows or Eyes are right for you.  That’s okay.  Take a look at my Photos Page.  There will be a description under each photo of what technique was used.  You can also find my work on my FaceBook, and Google Pages, or you can ask me. 

I want to have my lips done. Are there any special precautions?

Absolutely!  Please read this if you are considering having your lips tattooed by me or anyone.  This message will save you.  If you have ever, even once in your life… even if it was a hundred years ago, had a COLD SORE, you will need to start on an anti-viral prescription two-three days before your appointment and take it for five days consecutively total.  You will get this from your physician.  I recommend requesting 1-2 refills as you may need an additional Lip Follow-up procedure(s) after your Initial Visit.  You will want to repeat the exact same process with each Follow-up appointment.

How do I choose a color for my lips?  I get asked this question all of the time.  My answer is this.  “What color do you want to wake up to?” Or “What color do you want to come out of the pool, or shower with?”  “What is your daytime color?’  If you don’t have one, go with a blush color, like baby lips. NEVER pick a nighttime color as your color choice. If you’re going out for the evening, you can always add brighter lipstick.

What’s the difference between the lips of a 20-year-old, and the lips of a 60-year-old?  The lips of a 20-year-old are very easy to tattoo due to the less likelihood of sun damage or a history of scar tissue from cold sores. The 60-year-old will have much more exposure to the sun or a longer history of cold sores. The difference is clear. In the younger skin, my needle will flow like it’s going through butter. In the older skin, my needle is still able to tattoo, but the skin is more leather-like.  So, plan on at least two sessions and possibly three sessions.  It all depends on how well your skin heals and retains.  I recommend that my older clients with the above conditions go ahead and schedule their first follow-up during their Initial procedure.  (Prices can be found under the Price Tab on this website).

My Lip Procedures Are Not That Uncomfortable.  I tattoo my own lips. Something else regarding the Lip Procedure.  I hear day in and day out from clients, “Oh my friend said her lip procedure was horribly painful…”    Well honestly, only part of this is true.   When completed by the wrong and inexperienced hands, the lip procedure can be very uncomfortable, if not extremely.  I do many, many lip procedures, (including my own) and as long as you follow my pre-care instructions, you’ll be fine.   I KNOW just how to numb the lip tissue.  I don’t cut corners to save money, and everything I use is high-end/top-of-the-line.  Because of my background and experience level, I know how to pack in the maximum amount of pigment in the shortest amount of time without causing trauma.  That’s why my clients are NOT swollen when they leave.  And, I can honestly say that 75% of my clients fall asleep during their procedures.  All (who follow directions) comment, “That didn’t hurt at all!”  My clients walk out of my office looking great enough to go out to lunch.  Swelling doesn’t occur until later that evening or the following morning.  So if you’re scared about having your lips done, DON’T be.  Lips are wonderful!  I LOVE doing them and the results are beautiful results.  Even better…my clients are happy clients for years.

Is Permanent Makeup Permanent or Semi-Permanent?

Pigments (colorants) placed into the dermis using needles are considered to be permanent. The results of fading, color change or lack of color are expected and are the result of factors such as skin variations, sun fading, break down, etc. Improper application or faulty equipment can also affect the length of time color appears in the skin. Permanent Cosmetics, Permanent Makeup, and Cosmetic Tattooing are all terms used to correctly identify the process of implanting pigments (inks) into the skin for cosmetic purposes. The term “semi-permanent” is reserved for long-wear topically applied makeup and is misleading to be associated with the tattoo industry. It implies mechanical control of the length of time a pigment may remain in the skin. There are no documented findings to suggest cosmetically tattooed skin can be reverted to its previous unaltered state within a specified time-frame stated by the technician or any other person.

Does it hurt?

Having the best quality topical anesthetics available for Permanent Makeup is one thing, but knowing how to use them is another.  It’s not something to skimp or cut corners on.  As a result, most of my client’s experience are comfortable, unless 1) they didn’t follow the “Pre-Care Instructions” or 2) they have a very low pain threshold to begin with. Most clients state, “tattooing the eye area is really tickly,” or it’s more of a psychological factor (I’m tattooing so close to their eye) to them, but not painful.  Only 5% of my clients experience the permanent makeup procedure as “uncomfortable.”  The lips are more comfortable than the eyes, whereas eyes are more psychpsychological and tickly.  The brows…not bad at all.   In conclusion, by following your Pre-Care-Instructions, 95% of my clients are comfortable.

Why I DON'T offer Microblading

Why I DON’T offer Microblading

First of all, what is Microblading? It has become a household name in the last decade, and everyone is asking for it without really understanding what it is. Microblading uses a combination of needles grouped in the shape of a blade. The blades typically are made in South Korea or China and are not sterilized in their packages. These individual blades are then sent out in their purchased packages, and each blade is attached to the technician’s hand tool. It is this combined device that the technician uses to slice the skin, like a paper cut. She then smears pigment into the open wound which replicates the look of a hair strand. The skin has to fuse back together to heal from the excessive trauma, potentially causing sunken scar tissue and hair loss. I can always tell when someone has had Microblading. I run my fingernail over their eyebrow, and I can feel the groves. Unfortunately, Microblading is not a sustainable procedure and needs to be touched up every 7-12 months. Imagine re-cutting a healed scar every 7 months. If that isn’t bad enough, the beautiful crisp lines you see on fresh Microblading pictures, rarely stay that way. The hair strokes blur and often disappear very patchy and uneven. Microblading has a tendency to turn red because the pigment is deposited into such a superficial layer of the skin. Or even worse, the minimally trained technician cuts too deep and the hair stroke turns a blue/grey tone. Microblading artists rarely post long-term healed pictures of Microblading for a reason. If cutting or scarring the body is considered mutilation, why is it that we look past these side effects and logic when it comes to Microblading… on our faces?! Everybody wants “natural-looking” brows but ends up having to visit a professional for color correction and for Powdered Brows to correct the damage and reduce the embarrassment in public.

How is machine-only permanent makeup different?

A digital machine, similar to a tattoo machine, uses a nano-sized needle cartridge (the size of an acupuncture needle) to implant pigment into the skin at a very rapid rate unseen by the naked eye. Picture a sewing machine needle. Hair-like strokes and shading for density can still be given to the brow without cutting the skin open or causing excessive trauma. Clients notice far less pain with machine vibration than with the slicing of Microblading. All permanent cosmetics procedures are technically permanent, there will always be traces of pigment found in the skin years later even if the client only has the procedure completed once, but machine-made procedures can last up to 3 years before completely fading. It is recommended that a client returns every 2 years for a refresher is she wants to maintain her eyebrows. For eyes or lips, the pigment in these areas lasts longer for most clients.

Originally, Microblading was taught as a 2-day Advanced Course to already trained Professionals. Somewhere, somehow, it was discovered how stable this hand tool was, like putting training wheels on a bicycle. So, it took off, nationwide to anyone willing to pay $4000-$5000 cash for a 2-day course in a hotel conference room, crowded with 50 people on a weekend when the Public Department was closed. These self-proclaimed instructors promised everybody they would be making a six-figure income in their first year. In two days, they learned eyebrow mapping on the first day, and on the second, they were actually working on a live person. By the end of the day, they walked out with their kit of blades, hand tools, and pigment, but no skills in sanitation or blood-borne pathogens. Yikes! Hence, here began the epidemic of Microbladers.

To use a Machine is to be an artist, especially when it comes to simulating Hair-stroke Eyebrows. This is no easy feat. It’s equivalent to riding a unicycle. You MUST spend hours and hours for years perfecting your skills on a bicycle before you climb onto a unicycle. When you find a Cosmetic Tattooist who does the Machine technique, you have found a dedicated and committed artist. The artistry available today is because of the advancement of new machines and the quality of pigments has become more perfected since the beginning. Major cities and countries around the world are already doing away with Microblading and sharpening their skills in machine-only procedures. Make sure your artist is specifically trained in multiple machine techniques, sanitation, and color theory prior to scheduling such an important procedure! That’s what separates Professionals from Amateurs. Please, do your research.

Why have Permanent Makeup?

You can save time and money in your routine grooming without worrying about smearing, smudging or makeup washing off. You wake up in my morning, enjoy exercising or get out of the shower looking fresh and not washed out!

Is the procedure safe?

When performed by a highly qualified, trained professional – absolutely! Hospital sterilization and sanitation methods are practiced in my environment. Needles are never reused and safety precautions are implemented at all times. Permanent cosmetics may not recommended for people with autoimmune disorders such as diabetes, lupus, etc., or for women who may be pregnant or are nursing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Hazard Association (OSHA) has set standards for a clean, sanitary and safe working environment using sanitary equipment. Things to look for: Most important – Needles used should be new and sterile for each client and disposed of properly after each use, while other machine parts should also be sanitized, or disposed of in a sanitary manner. Other equipment and supplies should be kept in a sanitary manner. New gloves and gowns should be used for each client and disposed of after the procedure. Your technician should be clean, professional, neat and knowledgeable of environmental safety requirements. It’s recommended that you find a technician who proudly displays CPCP (Certified Permanent Cosmetics Professional) behind her name and who is certified by OSHA in Blood borne Pathogens and Infection Control. Two Licenses/Certificates should be visible in the room**; A License from the Health Department and a Certificate by OSHA. These certificates are updated and renewed every year. The room or treatment arena should be in an area free from other contaminants as well. **If these two certificates are not visible, you may really want to reconsider having this person practice permanent makeup on you.** DO NOT have your permanent makeup completed at someone’s home! This is truly unsanitary and only increases YOUR risks of infectious diseases. Permanent Makeup should also NEVER be completed in an open area, like a salon, where blow dryers and hair sprays are being used. Documented allergic reactions to Permanent Cosmetics procedures are extremely rare and can occur at any point in time. Permanent Makeup pigments are created from organic and inorganic material. The pigments which I use in my facility are MRI Safe even though not all pigments are safe.

What can permanent makeup do for me?

Permanent makeup can enhance your eyebrows, eyes & lips while making your morning routine much easier. It can also increase your self-esteem when scars are blended in making them less visible.

Who is a good candidate for Permanent Cosmetics?

EVERYONE*, from the young to the elderly, who desires a soft and natural enhancement to their appearance can benefit from Permanent Cosmetics. BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS looking for pigmented areolas. POST SURGICAL/INJURY, the camouflage of scars from burns, surgery, accidents or injuries; redefinition of facial features. ALOPECIA areata or universalis sufferers who have lost some or all of their facial hair, including eyebrows and/or eyelashes. CHEMOTHERAPY recipients with full or partial hair loss. VITILIGO sufferers who may have areas of skin which have lost their pigment. PHYSICALLY ACTIVE people who want to look their best throughout activities such as swimming, hiking, biking, tennis, aerobics, and don’t want to worry about “sweating off” or reapplying cosmetics. ALLERGIES and SENSITIVE SKIN these people often can’t wear other cosmetics. VISION IMPAIRED people who have difficulty applying their cosmetics without the use of having to wear their eyeglasses. MOTOR IMPAIRED, including arthritics, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke survivors, and those with unsteady hands who cannot apply their own makeup. ENTERTAINERS, ACTRESSES, and MODELS. MEN who want feature enhancement that looks natural and not “made up”. WOMEN who want to look their best all the time, even when they wake up. FAIR SKIN clients who look washed out without makeup and want to wake up looking refreshed. MOTHERS and other busy professionals who DON’T HAVE TIME for makeup.

*Please Note that some Hair-Stroke procedures are not suitable for everyone. Please read the “Check you are a good candidate for Hair-Stroke Brows, Shaded Hair-Stroke Brows, Whisper Brows etc.” (see below).

Check you are a good candidate for Hair-Stroke Brows, Shaded Hair-Stroke Brows, Whisper Brows etc.


IF you cannot answer NO to all the questions below, the Hair-Stroke Brow procedures are NOT suitable for you. We would normally suggest the Onbre Brows or Soft Powdered Brows instead. In order for me to determine if you are a good candidate for the “Hair Stroke” procedure, I will need you to understand some information contradictions.

  1. Is your skin oily?  Or severely oily? The hair strokes will appear more blended, solid or not retain at all.  (ADDENDUM)
  2. Have you ever had permanent makeup on your eyebrows before? To be able to do the Hair-stroke Brow on clients with prior work, the existing Permanent Makeup must be SUPER faded out (at least 80%) with NO GRAY UNDERTONES.  Orange is okay.  GRAY MUST BE REMOVED.  ASK ME HOW.  It can be done.  If you’re not willing to have it removed, please don’t waste my time – I’m really sorry to be direct.
  3. Do you have large pores on your forehead & in the brow area? Pigments will blur/blend in large pores looking powdered. (ADDENDUM)
  4. Do you use exfoliants, such as heavy scrubs, Retin A, Retinol products or Clarisonic brushes? Skin appears shiny. This skin type bleeds excessively and will not retain pigment well, if at all. Need to be off for a minimum of 30 days.
  5. Are you pregnant, nursing, or trying to get pregnant? No Exceptions
  6. Do you have any scars or experienced any head trauma in the brow area? Scar tissue will prevent proper healing.  I suggest Micro-needling the area first if needed, to break down the scar tissue.
  7. Deep wrinkles in the brow area? The Hair Strokes will not lie properly in the creases, giving the brow an uneven look.
  8. Heart Conditions/Pace Maker/Defibrillator (No exceptions)
  9. Do you have Alopecia? – (Hair loss due to autoimmune disease) Hair strokes will appear more blurred or blended, less crisp.
  10. Do you have or have you had a piercing in the brow area? Scars can cause the pigment to migrate. Extremely Thin skin? Transparent or Translucent or very vascular.
  11. Fitzpatrick Skin Types 1 and 2 (red heads/white skin/light eyes)  Due to hypersensitivity, have a tendency to bleed more easily, the skin does not retain pigment well. (ADDENDUM)
  12. Do you have moles/raised areas in or around the brow area? The pigment will not be put into anything raised.
  13. Are you addicted to exercise? When doing the Hair-stroke procedure, you MUST reframe from cardio exercise, swimming, getting “hot and sweaty” for a minimum of TWO WEEKS after.  Your pigment will not retain. (ADDENDUM)
  14. Do you experience frequent Hot Flashes?   You may have difficulties with pigment retention.  Powdered Eyebrow would be a better option.  (ADDENDUM)
  15. Do you have Trichotillomania?(Compulsive pulling of body hair) Due to constant pulling, scar tissue is prominent and pigment will not heal properly.  (ADDENDUM)
  16. Do you have Eczema, Psoriasis or Dermatitis in or around the brow area? Constant flaking/itching/irritation/shedding of skin.
  17. Have you had a hair transplant for your eyebrows? The pigment will not take in the scar tissue where the plugs were placed.
  18. Do you have a thyroid condition and taking medication for this condition? Hypo, Hyper Thyroidism, Graves Disease, Hashimoto’s – your pigment may not retain well.  (ADDENDUM)
  19. Have you been on Accutane (acne medicine) within the last year?
  20. Auto Immune Disorder of any kind (MS, RA, Lupus or the like)? Due to the medications to treat these diseases, the pigment will not retain well, if at all.
  21. Are you taking any of the blood-thinners medicines or vitamins listed below: (NO FISH OIL, VIT E, ASPIRIN, IBUPROFEN 2 WEEKS PRIOR)
  22. Do you have uneven eyebrows – one sits noticeable higher than another. You will not be a good candidate for any brow procedures unless your brows are more balanced.
  23. Do you have a lazy lid eye? This condition could cause your balanced and symmetric eyebrows to appear unbalanced.  (ADDENDUM)
  24. Do you have or have you ever be diagnosed as Bi-Polar, Personality Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Mental Illness? You will NOT be a good candidate for ANY Brow or Permanent Makeup procedures.
  25. Do you have exceptionally high expectations or high standards? Though I have exceptionally high standards in my daily practice of applying permanent makeup, periodically I will meet a client whose expectations and standards are not reasonable for us to work together comfortably.  NO EXCEPTIONS!



  1. Exercising:

Do not exercise the morning of your appointment.  You will bleed excessively. Also, If you work out regularly (5-7 days a week), your eyebrows WILL fade very fast due to the production of salt/sweat. Salt is used to remove permanent makeup.  They WILL appear more powdered or blurred under the skin as well. If you are not ok with this, then you should not have the procedure done. Carolyn reserves the right to refuse future services if she feels the results won’t be to the client’s satisfaction.

  1. Tanning/Sun-Exposure:

You cannot have tan 30 days before, nor after your procedure.  SUN will cause the results of your Permanent Makeup to fade quickly or not retain at all.  Carolyn will cancel your appointment if your show up with a tan (a tan to Carolyn’s standards).  Tanned skin bleeds excessively, heals poorly and therefore, will not retain color.  Deposits are forfeited.  No exceptions. This is an investment in your face and Carolyn takes that very seriously.   ***Thank you, Mary Ritcherson – my beloved friend, mentor and Permanent Makeup Prodigy in Florida. All Content and Images are the Property of Carolyn Elliott Permanent Makeup Inc.  ILLEGAL COPYING IS PROHIBITED AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED 2016

What about allergic reactions or MRIs? Am I safe?

Regarding allergic reactions and MRIs.  There have been few documented cases of these reactions caused by pigments.  I personally, have NOT had one client with an allergic reaction nor a reaction to an MRI from the pigments that I use.  I have very high standards in the equipment and products I use on my clients.  Research goes into each and every product item first to make sure it is safe to use on my clients.  One of my mottos, “Safety first.”

Are there any precautions that should be taken before a procedure?

24 hours prior to your appointment:  NO CAFFEINE of any kind, NO EXERCISING and please re-read your pre-care instructions.  You want to come prepared. I am allergic to some perfumes, particularly scented lotions.  Please do not come wearing any.  Sorry for the inconvenience. With lip procedures; Any client ever experiencing a cold sore/fever blisters, even if once, I highly suggest that you obtain a prescription for an anti-viral and begin taking them as prescribed by your physician prior to your procedure. The lip client will also want to refrain from using any long-lasting lip colors before her appointment as well, as these products contain glue and may make tattooing nearly impossible. Enough time will be required to have any remaining product exfoliated from of the lip area. With eyeliner procedures; Any client using either water-proof mascara, water-proof eyeliner, or Latisse, will need to refrain from these products for at least 2 weeks. If you wear Lash Extensions or fake eyelashes, you will need to have these products off of the lashes for a minimum of 2 weeks as well. The glues used to adhere the lashes, also can make tattooing the skin in that area impossible. Also, to lessen inflammation, an antihistamine has been stated by past clients to be successful with post-procedure swelling and may be used at your discretion. Ice packs are also recommended post-procedure to reduce the possibilities of swelling. PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILDREN!!!

How long does each procedure take?

The initial procedure, also known as the “saturation visit,” will generally take approximately 60 minutes. Follow up procedures also known as the “focus visit” are completed up to 3 months after the saturation visit and usually do not require as much time as the initial procedure. If you are considering more than one procedure, you may do the procedures together.

Can it be completed in one visit?

Some procedures may achieve their desired look after the initial visit, but permanent cosmetics IS a building process and it is reasonable to expect multiple visits. About a four months following the initial application, another appointment to ‘reinforce” may be needed/desired to perfect the lines, adjust the color, and to replace any pigment loss during the healing process. It is not reasonable for a client to expect perfection after the initial visit. Afterwards, as the pigment breaks down and absorbs into the skin, some maintenance will be required in months or years to come, to maintain the color and brightness of the makeup. There will be a touch up fee for those visits.

What can I expect immediately following a procedure?

I approach this process with great care. The results immediately following the procedure will look definitely darker and more pronounced than desired. Within the week, the excess pigment will sloughed off leaving a soft natural look. Right afterwards, you may experience slight swelling and redness with minimal discomfort, if any.

Is the procedure costly?

Fees can vary depending on the amount of work a client is requesting per procedural area, for example; an eyelash enhancement versus a thick dramatic eyeliner, a soft-filled in eye brow versus the realistic hair-stroke method, or a soft natural full lip color versus a bright, dense lipstick-like colored full lip. No doubt it’s possible you have seen prices ranging from discount coupons from a “Newby” technician entering the industry or services being offered at well over $1000 per procedure by experienced professionals – the Pioneers of the Industry (18 years or longer).   It is advisable to take the time to check QUALITY and EXPERIENCE of the professional before making your decision. Permanent Makeup is permanent (meaning, it doesn’t completely fade to its original starting point) and can be enjoyed for quite a long time – if done properly. Looking for the least expensive technician isn’t the brightest thing you can do.  We believe that people are looking for the highest possible quality of work, not the cheapest.  Only the highest quality of work should suffice without compromise. When it comes to your face, accept nothing less than a first class result with no one else but a master practitioner with years of experience. The cost of the procedure is not the most important issue when consulting a potential professional. Look for QUALITY, and length in time!  A few years really isn’t much.  Technically, they are still learning.

mismatched brows exampleHow to differentiate the qualities of a Professional Artist over a techician who isn’t?  Here are some simple guidelines to help you:

1.  A website:  Thoroughly check for their own personal website with a photo gallery, referrals, and a list of their continuing education. This does not include piggy-backing on someone elses website, this means their own, stand-alone website.  Many “Newbies” will tell you that they have been “tattooing for years”, and then you receive eyebrows like the one to the right.  Too late! 

2.  What is their work environment, a salon, someone’s home (Big No, No!), a Doctor’s Office and how long have they been truly established in Permanent Cosmetics?

3.  A professional Cosmetic Tattoo Artist works on Eyebrows, Eyes, Lips, Areola Repigmentation, etc.  They have hours and hours of education under their belt and seek to continue to education on a yearly basis.  If the technician you are researching only does Micro-bladed Eyebrows and nothing else, chances are that technician has only two-days of training,  This is NOT the person you want touching your face. A beginning course in Permanent Makeup is 7-days, and a minimum of 100 hours.

4.  Non-artistic people doing Permanent Makeup.  In the last few years, this industry has become flooded with Two-Day Micro-Bladers and Copy-Cats.  You now know about the first, but Copy-Cats are popping up as well.  These are technicians who have no real artistic background, yet copy photos from other websites in addition to plagerize that website’s wording.  I have personally had to Register Trademark this website and my Service Menu because of the unethical behavior of a young woman who has her own office in Grover Beach.  Misleading the public is a disservice to many innocent, unsuspecting clients.

Remember this is your face.  Do you want the best permanent makeup artist who is scheduled out in her appointments or the quickest available and the cheapest?  40% of the phone calls I receive is for corrective work from a technician offering discounted prices.  There are many clients I can’t help – because the work is so bad.  It’s on THEIR face.  Some people learn the hard way.  A client can spend hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars in “repairs” versus having it done correctly the first time, not to mention the emotional stress which poor work can cause. I find that fees also can vary from expert Certified Permanent Cosmetic Professionals based on “where” they live as well. Expect to pay more if you live in popular cities such as Beverly Hills, San Francisco, Boca Rotan, New York, Miami, San Diego, Austin, etc. whereas a small town expert has a little more difficulty demanding these higher fees even if she has more experience than her colleagues who work in the larger cities. Work performed from physician’s offices or high-end spas can demand these higher rates as well, but be cautious at these locations, most will hire a low-time technician.  An experienced professional will not choose to work in these environments.  Multiple visits may be required to achieve “your” desired look. Be patient. Rome was not built in a day. Most important is the training, experience, professionalism, cleanliness and skill of the professional as well as the confidence with the client in that skill. Many find this relatively inexpensive when compared with hair and nail appointments that must be kept up on a regular basis.

Method of Payment:  Local Checks, Credit Cards (2.0% fee will be added), or CASH (5.0 % OFF your services).
What colors are available?

You may select from over 50 natural tones or I can blend a color unique to your skin and it’s under-tones.

How long does permanent cosmetics last?

Eyebrows can last approximately 18 to 36 months before requiring a touch-up, whereas my Eyeliner and Lip do last longer.  Hence, sun exposure, Thyroid Condition/Medication, oily skin, heavy exercising, skin diseases, skin treatments, and fair skin can cause pigment to fade quicker. etc.

You can enjoy your Permanent Makeup for a couple of years or more (depending of many factors, such as the color) before the pigment begins to breakdown (fade).  The pigment never fades completely, some leaving a hint of undertone.  This is why it’s called Permanent Makeup.  For example, a natural blonde eyebrow color will need a touch-up before a black eyeliner. Over time the colors may soften. Touch ups will be needed to freshen your color after it has softened and absorbed into the skin. Chemical peels, sun exposure, oily skin, and certain skin treatments will shorten the life of your permanent makeup. Fair skin clients tend to need touch-ups more frequently than my clients who have darker skin, as melanin seems to act as a natural sunblock.

What can I do to prolong the life of my permanent make-up?

Sunscreen is the best kept beauty secret! Not only will sunscreen prolong the life of your permanent makeup, but it does wonders for the skin! Sunscreen helps prevent premature aging, wrinkles, and most importantly skin cancer. Be sure to wear a sunscreen with a minimum of an SPF 15 for best results and reapply often, especially after swimming or extended hours outdoors. Hats and sunglasses also help minimize harmful UV rays. You can still have fun in the sun…just do it wisely.

The Importance Of Arriving AT Your Appointment Prepared.

Like having any procedure completed, or taking a test, you need to be prepared to have your BEST results.  This is a team effort. 50% of your overall success will take place in my studio, while the other 50% of your overall success is based on what you do after you walk out of my studio. Following the AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS is important to achieve this success.

I want your results to be successful.  As a result, I have taken the time to prepare this website and detailed “Pre/Post Care Instructions” to help get you there.   What happens when you come to your appointment unprepared?  It produces real problems which result in your needing a follow-up appointment to fine-tune your procedure, with typically the finger being pointed at me because you were uncomfortable. Well, sometimes tattooing can be uncomfortable, and if you drink coffee or exercise before you arrive at your appointment, your procedure just might hurt. I’m sorry. I do the best I can to make everyone’s procedure as comfortable as possible. But, this one is on you.  Through years of tattooing, and working with customers, I have learned to spot unprepared clients with the snap of a finger. I know my job inside and out.  So, let’s just come prepared. I want your experience to be amazing and positive as much as you do. Please understand the importance of coming prepared by reading your care instructions and/or this website.  It really makes a difference. Trust me.

Examples (but not limited to) of arriving up unprepared:   1).  Having even 1/2 cup of decaf coffee that morning, even though the instructions have written, “NO CAFFEINE.”  2)  Exercising before your appointment,  3)  Arriving late, 4) Sunburned Face, 5) Being dishonest in your Pre-Client Questionnaire (mole/scar in the eyebrow not visible in the photo you sent), 6) Not reading “Your Online Consultation” then freaking out about how dark your Permanent Makeup is right after your procedure and making a scene in my office.  7)  Signing up for Hair-stokes Eyebrows when you have Oily Skin or Fitzpatrick 1 or 2.  You get my point.

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